Saturday, July 17, 2010

What to Roll

The game shall be HEX.
The group should have at least one caster (priest/wizard/psychic), one ex-military (with Pilot skill), and one scientist. A mechanic might be handy too.

For those considering spell-casters, Necromancy is off-limits. Instead you may play an Elementalist, which has comparable damaging ability based on one of the four elements.
If you decide to play a holy man and further decide that Theurgy doesn't fit your Navajo Shaman/Confucian Sage/Moonie Cultist, make up your own rituals and get my approval. Otherwise, play the devout Presbyterian.

Also remember that while clerical magic is almost commonplace, arcane magic is viewed with skepticism and suspicion in many circles.

Also; don't expect this game to start anytime soon. I'm still fleshing out world details and rules questions.


  1. would we start a character like a new HEX guy, points-wise?

  2. whats the 'flavor' of the game going to be ?

    heavy combat?, or investigation?

  3. Yes

    I think it will have the same fight/not-fight ratio as my other games. For example, the Shaori's Fell arc had 21 encounters. I counted 8 as non-fight and 13 as Fight. I count anything that a player has to roll a die or roleplay for as an encounter.

  4. Are the charcter role what you consider the basic food types?

    As I have the most experience I will volunteer for either a caster or a scientist. I think I can help create rituals and gadgets as well for other players and GM alike.

    General questions:

    Any everyman skills that are different from the base game?

    Any new skills or sciences?

    How do you plan to run holy/devine rituals vs. arcane ones? Any difference?

    How will money work?

  5. I can't think of everyman skills that would be different from the base game.

    No new skills... yet. Feel free to make up any science you like--the more outlandish the better. Nobody will blink at your (mad?) scientist and his Aether Flux rifle or his Invisible Color Radiometer.
    The only exceptions would be complex electrical or nuclear stuff... the former mostly explodes and the latter just doesn't work.

    Mechanics-wise there will be no difference between the divine and the arcane. I plan on using the Theurgy rituals to represent divine casters.

    Money works the same as it does everywhere else. For simplicity's sake I'll just use the same dollar values in the HEX books.

    One large difference to the base book is automatic weapons. The composition of gunpowder has changed and rendered them too dangerous to use. Bolt-action, lever-action, pump, and revolvers are all good.

  6. OK. Those answers will probably work for now.

    The reason I was asking about Everyman skills is that the world and time is very different. If you were running a HEX game in modern times the everyman skill might be very different from those of the 30's. I have also been reading the new All for One book. PC are all assumed to be Musketeers or somehow closely attached to them. They all start with some Resources - Rank and Follower. They also get bonus skill points in Fencing or melee, and some firearms.

    I was wondering how the money related Resources might work. Also the Mad Science requires raw materials which cost money. If you plan to use the scale of what it costs for the 30's setting, that should be easy enough. I was trying to determine if it was harder or easier to make and buy things.

    Is the plan to have everyone start as a base character? i.e. no experience

    Do you want help building some Mad Science items and spells?

  7. If you wanna help with that, sure. Mad Science especially... I haven't looked at it at all, and nobody in the group plays one.
    I was toying with the idea of making a new Talent called "Doctor," representing the idea that your mad scientist is actually accredited by a major University. It would cut costs for raw materials and such, as hinted in the story; when Emily says the University gave her a stipend for her research.

    For Elementalism I was going to base the template off the necromancy rituals and then customize it according to the element. Water mages might get a feezing/immobilizing effect, Earth wizards might get tremorsense, etc.

  8. I plan on having everyone roll base characters with 0 xp. Like a lot--a LOT--of decisions about this game, that could change when it finally does start.

  9. OK. I understand the distant horizon for the game. I just am looking to help encourage that it does get off the ground.

    I will poke around and make up some gizmos.

    I think the Doctor thing would be a Resource. Talents are inherent and cannot easily be taken away. (A classic example from the forums was having ambidexterity and loosing an arm to a dinosaur.) Resources can be lost and/or taken away. i.e. school pull credentials, payroll gets robbed, etc. I would recommend using Status (which is a blend of Rank and Wealth) or make your own based on one of them.

    The musketeer bonus to start are Level 0 in fencing or melee, firearms, ride and one skill of their choice fitting their background. They also get a Level 0 follower and a Level 0 rank. These are setting related bonuses.

  10. I will have to look at the default everyman skills. I may put Mechanics on the list.

  11. I will send you any materials that I create. You can choose to post or not based on your needs.

  12. The Miracle Stone of the Amazon adventure has a new Talent called True Faith. It allows you to pray for Miracles. Each Rank in the talent opens up a new rank level of Miracles available for access. There are some Miracles included and a rough system for creating new ones.
